When Friday Comes, It's Favorite Time

Happy Friday everyone! And so we meet again. I'm happy to say that we made it through this week with no emergency room visits or major dilemmas (knock on wood). In fact, it was a pretty fun and enjoyable week.

I'm really looking forward to the weekend which will consist of splashing in the pool, spending time with my sister, finalizing some things for I's first birthday (can you believe how fast that's gone?!?) and whatever adventures come our way. But first, I have to get through the work day. Here's a look at some of my favorites.

1. Christmas in July: alright, I know it's technically not the 25th yet but we were driving around looking at  houses this week and one of them happened to already have a Christmas Tree farm on the property, #goals. We couldn't help but snap a few pics and let A pick out the best tree that would make its way into our living room 5 months from now.

2. Printed shorts: as you can see from these pics I was loving my printed shorts this week and put together a post about them. You can read more about that {here} and see some pics of my awesome fur baby.

3. Let them be little: speaking of babies (whether furry or not) I felt myself really let go a little bit more this week, relax, and have a chance to enjoy the moment. I've kind of been feeling down on myself that I'm not able to spend the summers home with my nuggets. It's been tough for me to see other friends/bloggers who have the opportunity to be around their kids more often. And then there's me. Stuck in my office.

I quickly put myself in check (Sierra, get it together). I know that I'm an amazing mom doing the best that I can for my kids. My husband and I chose certain career paths to afford our family other opportunities. While I would love to be with them during the day, they're at a great camp that provides them structure, life lessons, and academics that I could not provide at home. Wow, that kind of got deeper than I expected but at this point I already typed it out so I'm not deleting it lol.

Anyway, instead of worrying about the little things, you know the dishes, the messes, and everything else in between. I let go. I lived in the moment and enjoyed the time I do have with my nuggets. We played hard, went to the park several times this week, and if you caught my instagram, (@beautifully_candid) you might have seen we even had some extra snuggle time. I'm hoping to keep this attitude up because life seems so much easier this way.

4. Park: this needs a favorite of its own because I felt like we were there every other night. Just seeing the smiles on their faces is the best feeling. And A loves this little horse, like road him multiple times and then talked about him in the car. He even named him parmesan! I still don't know where he got that from, haha.

5. Picnic: ok, so obviously my favorites are nugget overload this week but I just can't help it. Our church had a community picnic this week where A enjoyed bouncing around and I got to experience his first pony ride. I wouldn't say he's ready for Preakness but there were no tears and all smiles.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Stay cool, it's supposed to be a hot one here. Linking up with some of my favorites today, check them out and join in on the fun.

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