Hi there! I'm Sierra, and I'm so happy you're here checking out this little space of mine. Here at Beautifully Candid you can find me sharing a peek into our little family, travel adventures, fashion finds, and lifestyle content. Life might now always easy but it's those in between moments that help us to grow. I hope you'll stick around for awhile and join us on this journey. Below you can read some more about me and see if we have anything in common. Thank you so much for visiting and I hope to see you around! 

I'm a sucker for a good candid and capturing the moment. 

I'm a praying Mama who believes God has big plans for my boys. 

I have three sons who are my heart. My youngest son was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. We are navigating that journey and learning so much a lot long the way. He sure has captured all of our hearts and it's a joy to see him grow. 

We are venturing through a full renovation on our home that sits on 28 acres. We have about 400 Christmas trees on the property and are hoping to plant more as the years go on. We eventually want to build a barn and have some animals, too. Although, my house seems crazy enough as it is, so I'm hoping we won't be regretting expanding to more furry friends. 

A messy bun and a good pair of heels can go a long way. 

It's important as a Mom (and any woman) to feel confident and stylish. 

I'm not a coffee drinker but me and a cup of tea do just fine. 

My Golden Retriever is my first baby, and yesss, he is part of the family. We've recently add an adorable floppy eared rabbit and sweet little hedgehog to our crew. 

When a kid's show isn't on you will find me watching mindless reality tv, home improvement shows, or binge watching Netflix. 

I get the itch to travel every few months and anxiously research and countdown until our vacations. 

I use parenthesis a lot (see) and don't always put commas in the right places. 

I'm horrible with movies and get the lyrics to songs wrong more than I would like to admit. 

I believe kindness never goes out of style and lending a helping hand can go a long way. 

This is a peek into my little family.

~Let all that you do be done in LOVE~ 1 Corinthians 16:14


  1. I luv u both and I luv the name of the blog!

  2. Thank you! We appreciate you taking the time to view our blog :)

  3. Love the name of your blog! I'm excited to read more! :)

    1. Hi Kristine! Welcome! Thank you so much :) We are so glad to have you.

  4. So fun to do a blog with your sister! Can't wait to keep reading :)

    1. Welcome Kristin! We are so excited to have you :)

  5. awh I always wanted a sister! I think it is so awesome that you guys are blogging together! just stalked your blog and decided it was time to learn a few things about you two. excited for more!!

    Candace | Lovely Little Rants

    1. Hi Candace! Thank you for checking out our blog and welcome :)

  6. Hi Girls! LOVE the name of the blog and love you girls!! My sister and I just started our own blogs and its super exciting to be a part of the blogging world!
    I really hope you follow along with us as well!


  7. Hey Girls!
    I'm doing a Liebster Award post on my blog on Wednesday, and I would love to nominate you if that's something you'd like. I wanted to ask first in case you've already done it or don't have time! Let me know:)

  8. My dog is also referred to as my first born :) I'm also into watching mindless TV and home reno shows, unless Mickey, Sofia, Paw Patrol or some other kid show is sucking my kids in :)



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