Nap Time-When Is One Nap Appropriate?

Nap time, a time for our little ones to rest and recoup. Ok, who are we kidding? It's kind of music to our ears to be able to catch our breath, go to the bathroom, and maybe have a little something to eat. However, transitioning over into just one nap a day can be rough. I am writing this post in hopes that I can learn from some of you great moms out there who may have experienced a similar situation or have some insight you can provide. 

My son recently transitioned over into the one year old class at his daycare. He is still 11 months (will be a year in a few weeks) but the way his birthday falls he made the cut off to move into the next class. Everything else in his class seems to be going great except for one thing, nap time. He is used to having a morning and afternoon nap but in his new class they have all the kids take one long afternoon nap. This works great for many of them but doesn't seem to be cutting it for my little guy. The past week and a half has been a big challenge for us. He is so tired and cranky when we bring him home that our short time we get to spend with him hasn't been as enjoyable as we would like. I realized that I only get about 3 and half waking hours with my son during each work day, that sucks! I want those few short hours to be filled with fun and love. 

I did meet with his teachers and the director of the daycare who were more than accommodating to work with our needs and what is best for our son. We also try to mirror his daycare schedule on the weekends so he isn't thrown off and that it's consistent for everyone. We have noticed that prior to the switch, his afternoon nap is becoming much shorter than it usually was and not by anyone's fault, just him waking up on his own. There is so much information to read online about nap time theories and when it's best to switch from two naps to one. Ultimately I know that as his Mom I am going to make the best decision for him, but I would love to hear your own experiences and when you felt the best time to switch to one nap was right for your child?   

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Leslyn's Lovely Life
The Life Of Faith


  1. Anonymous9/15/2014

    Ugh! That is so tough :( Every child is different, but especially since your guy is youngest in his class, its probably normal that he's struggling at first with the transition. Its good that the daycare is willing to work with you....would they consider still letting him have 2 naps? Its such a shame to lose your time with him after daycare. Mine is still younger than yours, so I don't have good advice, but I'll be thinking about you! good luck!

    1. Thank you for your thoughts. They are willing to try and have him nap twice, I'm just not sure what the typical age they usually switch to just one is. Enjoy your little one and all the naps they get. Thank you for thinking of us :)

  2. He seems really young to be moving into that. Our pediatrician said they generally begin to transition themselves around age 2. My near 17 month old still takes 2 naps and is a bear without them. She also still sleeps through the night having taken both naps. It's a tough call...

    1. That's what I was thinking. I've heard some mixed reviews about the typical age they usually switch to one nap and wanted to get some insight from every day moms. I think I would feel more comfortable with knowing he is transitioning himself out of a nap than me forcing him out of some extra rest. It sounds like your little one is a great sleeper! Thank you so much for your feedback :)

  3. Each child is individual, but I tend to think he is still too young for that. It's good your daycare is working with you.

    1. Hi Mindi, I haven't really heard of anyone only taking one nap under a year either so I thought it was a bit young too.

  4. I'm sorry you are struggling with all of this! When they aren't sleeping, it seems like everything is messed up with them. Each of my kids were different when they made that transition. Right now, my foster daughter just turned 1 two weeks ago and most days she still takes two although she will do one maybe two days a week. Those days are rougher though for her and usually the next day she compensates for it. Since kids are all so different, it is great that the daycare is going to work with you on it to meet your little one's needs. Good luck!
    -S.L. Payne,

    1. That's for sure! You can definitely tell the difference when he gets the rest he needs. I'm going to see how the next few weeks go and I would rather have him naturally work himself out of two naps and know he is ready.

  5. My kids were around 15 months when they transitioned to one nap. The afternoon nap then became longer. I hope something works out for little guy soon! #mommymoments

    1. That's what I seem to be hearing more consistent is the switch to one nap around 14-18 months. Thank you for sharing :)

  6. My daughter was super weird and transitioned to one nap most days between 6-8 months. She was not cranky or anything. I think the key is when your child is ready, ity is not some magic number! :) IT is hard that y'all are kind of being forced into being ready before he may be ready!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing! 6-8 months and not cranky that's great! You're right, it's better to see when they are ready and not being forced.

  7. My baby just turned one and is starting to do a 30 min. power nap in the morning and then a longer nap at some point in the afternoon. I have the luxury of letting my kids transition on their own time, and not to a forced schedule. Like other commenters, I'd suggest asking the day care to let him take a power nap when he's tired in the morning. Each kid has his or her own body clock/ nap time needs, it's hard to say what is best in general.

    1. Thank you for sharing! That's great that you are able to have your kids transition on their own. I am going to be observing his nap times on the weekends more to see his natural sleep pattern, instead of trying to mirror the daycare schedule. I am still going to try and keep it roughly around the same time he would take a nap so he isn't so thrown off. But I think not pushing the same schedule on the weekend could help me have a better idea of the rest time he still needs.


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