Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!!! Why does it always seem like the week coming off a vacation is the hardest to get back in the swing of things? At least it's Friday and the weekend is here again which always makes me one happy girl.

Since we were still traveling part of the week we kept it pretty low key when we got back home. Lots of snuggle time with the nuggets and right back into the workflow. If only life could be a permanent vacation (ahh, it's nice to daydream).

Here are some of my favorites ...

1. Cali trip: if you've been ready along, and thank you if you have (I love this little blogging community) then you might have guessed this would be my number one. If you missed all the details of our trip you can check out my recap {here}.

2. Pepper plant: let's just say our green thumb skills are lacking way more than I thought they ever would. It basically has taken us all summer (actually longer because we seeded them back in March, of last year) to grow this sweet little pepper.

A loves going outside and seeing what, if anything, is growing. When this little guy sprouted up he couldn't wait to pick it. We will all be savoring this one since it will be the topping for our homemade pizza Friday night.

3. Outdoor fun: when we came back from Cali we were so excited to see the nice weather traveled back with us. That nasty humidity seemed to break and the nights even dipped down and got a little cooler.

We are trying to keep the nuggets excited about being active and wanting to go outside, so with this weather some family walks after dinner became a regular thing this week.

4. Birthday time: yeahhhh, so my birthday is on Thursday. While I'm thankful for all the many blessings God has given me and the memories I get to share, the excitement of birthdays has kind of faded for me. I hit the big 3-0 last year so 31 just seems blah to me. You know, it's just different. When you're younger you can't wait to be 21, then 25, and then it basically goes down hill from there (not really, I do think I'm having more fun with age, shhh).

Anyway, there are a few things I'm hoping for this year and my list is probably telling my age. What can you do, priorities and tastes change, my friends. I've really been contemplating taking the plunge and looking at a prime lens for my camera. Everything I'm reading says you can't beat the quality of a prime lens compared to the stock lenses that come with your body style. I'm also hoping for a subscription to lightroom for editing and some flash drives to store my pictures on. Photography has really kind of become my thing, and while I still have tons to learn and don't plan on doing it to make money, I really do enjoy snapping away and the thrill of taking pictures and capturing moments with my little family.

I love my Classic Ugg Boots but I've had my eye on {these} cardy ones, 50% off by the way. I figured I could wear my classic ones more in the winter and the cardy ones more in the fall. Yikes, I don't even really want to think about winter just yet.

I started using Zoya Nail Polish back when I got pregnant to cut down on the amount of chemicals that went on and into my body. I love their lines so much that I still use them. It makes me feel better about wearing polish on the regular. I've also had my eye on a few mini backpacks. They just make sense to me, especially with the nuggets and not really needing to carry around as mush for them anymore but still needing some extra space for things. 

5. Nugget art: A is at the age where he's really taking a liking to drawing, and for not even being three yet I think he's pretty darn good. Well, at least his pictures are somewhat recognizable. Come on now, you couldn't tell the one over to the right was a spider ;)

I personally just don't like clogging up my fridge and having to find magnets strong enough to hold things, so I tried to think of another way to display their art. We have this chalkboard that shows its face every party we have but then just gets tucked away. I thought, why not hang it up in their playroom and string their art across it? Bingo! So far it's working out well, and A gets excited to switch his work out every few days and hang up a new project.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! These summer weekends seem to be far and few between anymore. Check out where I am linking and join in on the Friday fun.

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