Happy 1st Birthday To The Bravest Boy I Know

A year ago our lives were changed forever. With every birth your life is touched and changes always take place. But this pregnancy, and this little angel we were about to meet, felt different.

Maybe it's because there was so much anticipation with meeting him, and so many unknowns. If you've been a reader of mine for a while then you're well aware about my son's cleft lip and palate journey. I feel sad to admit this, but there was a brief period where I was nervous to meet my own son. Looking back, that sounds so silly that I even had those thoughts. Now, I can't even imagine life without him and it's so hard for me to accept that a year has flown by already (I'm not crying, ok, I'm crying, a big old ugly cry). To say this year has been a journey is an understatement. Aside from his physical trials, there is so much more to this little boy that I want to focus on.

I could go on and on about my little love. I truly feel so blessed to be his mother and feel like God gave me a little piece of heaven when I had him. From the moment I laid eyes on him I knew there was something so special about him. His eyes, oh those precious eyes, have always been so captivating. People would say he smiles with his eyes, and it's true. No matter how much some of his facial features have changed, and will continue to change, his eyes have always been consistent.
As I sat here and snapped these pictures I couldn't help but stop and just smile at him. Every move, every expression he made was just adorable. His big brother was also my little helper and the last picture of the two of them might be my favorite, ever. 

He has such a sweet personality and peaceful soul. This little guy has been through so much, and through it all, he continues to smile and inspire us. He's impacted our family in such a powerful way that I think we are all better because of him.
He's taught me more about myself and my capabilities as a mother throughout this past year. He's inspired me to appreciate the smaller moments and little joys in life as some of those can end up being the biggest things.

His bravery and determination is something I will always admire. Things as simple as eating, that come naturally to so many of us, he's had to learn and conquer. And now, he's taking the initiative to do it on his own and will even turn his little head and shut his mouth if you try to help him.

His hugs and cuddles can melt away any bad day and bring so much joy to any moment. If you ask him to give you a nice hug it's the cutest thing. He'll lean his little head into you and he smiles and gets all excited when you say, awwwww.

His little grunting, squeaking, and gremlin noises are the cutest things around. While I'm anxious to eventually hear, mama, or dada, I'm going to miss those little sounds that make us all smile. His older brothers are his greatest source of entertainment and my heart melts every time he laughs at them and they get him going.

To my baby boy, you are the light of my life. You are such a gift and a blessing and I am so beyond proud of you. You have taken every circumstance that has come your way and chose to overcome it. Your positive light is truly an inspiration that I pray will never grow dull. No matter where life my lead you, my prayer is that you will remain strong and determined. I know you can truly do anything you put your mind to. You've already proven that to me. As your testimony unfolds I know that God will remain faithful and keep you in His perfect peace. Happy first birthday my sweet boy! I love you more than you will ever know <3 

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